underworlds: Cascading Social Situation Assessment for Robots


underworlds is a distributed and lightweight framework that facilitates building and sharing models of the physical world surrounding a robot amongst independent software modules.

These modules, also called clients, can be for instance geometric reasoners (that compute topological relations between objects), motion planner, event monitors, viewers… any software that need to access a geometric (based on 3D meshes of objects) and/or temporal (based on events) view of the world.


The list of official underworlds clients is here: Clients registry. Feel free to look at the source code of these clients, and to use them as starting point for your owns.

One of the main feature of underworlds is the ability to store many parallel worlds: past models of the environment, future models, models with some objects filtered out, models that are physically consistent, etc.


This package provides the underworlds server, a Python client library, and a set of tools to interact with the system (viewers, scene loader, etc.).

Documentation Overview

You can read below details about underwords: the Main concepts, the Scenes and nodes.

You may then want to check the installation instructions: Installation.

If you want to know more about the core tools, check this page: underwords Core Tools.

If you are looking for a guide to write your own client application: How to write an underworlds client.

If you want to read about the underworlds client-server protocol (for instance, to add bindings with another language), head here: The client-server protocol.

Finally, the full Performances is also available.

Main concepts

At very high-level, underworlds can be seen as a shared (across threads and process) datastructure that represents on one hand geometric scenes (made of 3D meshes for instance) and on the other hand the history of these scenes as timelines. A pair (3D scene, timeline) forms a world.


A world is a 3D scene and its history, represented as a timeline

underworlds allows to create, alter, query, compare these worlds, their scences and timelines in a distributed fashion: one application (an underworlds client) can track the 3D position of humans around the robot, while another detect some objects on tables, while a third exposes the current pose of the robot itself. A fourth module can query these models to perform some motion planning, and a fifth one can performs geometric reasoning using a physics engine, and so on.


Combining several processes in a cascade of worlds

The core library comes with a few useful components that can be used as starting points for your own components.

uwds-load for instance opens a static 3D model (like a FBX file) and adds it to a specific world. Let’s see how this example work.

The interesting part of the loading takes place in ModelLoader.load :

First, we create a context: the context encapsulates a connection to the shared datastructure. We give each context a name (typically, the name of the component – here model loader): this is useful to debug/introspect the system.

with underworlds.Context("model loader") as ctx:
    # ...

The context object ctx gives access to the shared worlds. For instance:


either returns the world test if it already exists (some other component may have created it, for instance) or it creates a new one (which becomes immediately visible and accessible to every other software components connected to the underworlds server).

Next, we can access the scene and the timeline attached to this world:

world = ctx.worlds["test"]
scene = world.scene
timeline = world.timeline

Keep in mind that world, scene, timeline are datastructures shared amongst all the software components (clients) connected to the server! A scene or a timeline can be updated at any time by any component! While you iterate over a scene (for 3D rendering for instance), underworlds makes no guarantee that the objects (nodes) will remain constant during the iteration, and you need to be especially careful for inconsistencies.

To avoid these inconsistencies as much as possible, software components are therefore generally advised to only write to worlds that they have themselves created. This is however not enforced, and sometimes it makes perfectly sense to have several components updating together the same world. One example could be several perception modules that estimate in parallel the pose of different objects: they would typically update a same world called for instance raw perception.

Scenes and nodes

A scene represents a 3D environment, made of a set of nodes: a node can represent either a abstract entity (or frame), a physical object (or part thereof), or a camera (more types of nodes may be added in the future, like fields). Node itself has several properties like a unique identifier, a name, possibly a list of children nodes, a 3D transformation matrix relative to its parent, etc.


Meshes are centrally stored

Besides, nodes that represent physical objects (node.type == MESH) have meshes attached. Because meshes can represent a large amount of data, they are stored by the server on a separate static store, indexed by their hash value. This way, only the hashes of the meshes are stored with the node. If a specific component need the actual mesh data (for instance, for rendering), it must separately request the mesh data from the underworlds server (by calling ctx.get_mesh(<mesh hash>)).

Scenes always have one special node, the root node, and every other node in the scene is utimately parented to this node. It can be access with scene.rootnode.

to be continued…


The performance of your system can be tested by running testing/performances.py <nb worlds>. This script measure the propagation time of one change across n worlds by simulating (n-1) clients which simply replicate changes for one world to another one (passthrough filters).

For reference, propagating one change across ten worlds (on the same network host) take about 50 ms.

Due the changes in how the Python interpreter manages condition variables between Python2 and Python3, underworlds is significantly faster with Python 3 (an order of magnitude faster on certain tests!).

Investigating performance issues

underworlds can profile the network while running, which usually help with identifying performance issues.

To enable the profiler, change the value of PROFILING_ENABLED to True in helpers/profile.py, reinstall underworlds, and re-run your code.

Indices and tables